基于散射理论,不同频段的光学表面制造误差会对光学性能产生不同的影响,而常用的光学设计软件一般没有考虑。为此利用小波变换对误差进行了频段分割;然后基于Harvey-Shack表面散射理论,从频段误差的角度对光学表面的光学性能进行了评价,同时基于小波变换的特点,当光学性能不满足要求时,找到了需重点控制的频段误差在光学表面发生的区域,从而对下一步的加工进行指导。最后以一块口径500 mm的大镜实测数据及设计要求“在0.33 mrad内环绕能量大于70%”进行了实验验证。结果表明,利用此方法能有效的建立“表面频段误差光学评价光学加工”三者之间的联系。
Based on the scattering theory, optical surface manufacturing errors in different frequency bands can have different effects on optical performance, whereas commonly used optical design software is generally not considered. Based on Harvey-Shack surface scattering theory, the optical properties of the optical surface are evaluated from the perspective of frequency error. At the same time, based on the characteristics of wavelet transform, when the optical performance does not meet the requirements , Found the need to focus on the control of the band error occurred in the optical surface area, in order to guide the processing of the next step. Finally, a large diameter of 500 mm mirror data and design requirements “within 0.33 mrad surround energy greater than 70% ” was tested. The results show that this method can effectively establish the link between the three “optical frequency error assessment of surface band error”.