
来源 :毛泽东邓小平理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:diliwer3
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上海是我国国有企业最集中的城市之一,受计划经济体制的影响较深,改革的任务相当繁重。20年来,上海按照党中央、国务院关于推进国有企业改革和发展的总体要求,结合上海的实际情况,始终坚持在重点突破的前提下,将企业制度的变革和企业生存环境的配套改革互为推进,不断 Shanghai is one of the cities with the most concentrated state-owned enterprises in our country. It is deeply affected by the planned economic system and the task of reform is rather heavy. In the past 20 years, in line with the general requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on promoting the reform and development of state-owned enterprises and Shanghai's actual conditions, Shanghai has always insisted on advancing the reform of the enterprise system and supporting reforms in the living environment of enterprises on the premise of major breakthroughs , Constantly
《曾国藩日记》曾记载他处理礼品的事,咸丰十一年(1861年)十月,湘军名将鲍超到安庆与曾国藩商量军务,来时特备了礼物,共16包,其中有许多珍贵的珠宝古玩。曾国藩只从中挑了一顶小帽,鲍超只好把礼物都带回去了。  曾国藩曾写信嘱咐他的儿子曾纪泽,作为官员要做到:不许下属来送礼,不收礼。理由是,任何一位前来谒见的下属,都不会空手而来,他们看中了领导手中的权力。如果领导收了贵重礼物,就得帮忙办事,满足下属