近年来 ,国内外许多学者将潜在寿命损失年数(PYLL)指标应用于死因分析 ,评估导致某人群“早死” (即可能的寿命损失年数 )的各死因的相对重要性。为了解当前本地居民的死亡率水平和病伤死因模式 ,以便为有关部门制定预防和控制疾病的重点和策略提供依据。本文应用PYLL指标等对
In recent years, many scholars at home and abroad have used the PYLL to analyze the cause of death and assess the relative importance of each cause of death that causes “premature death” (that is, the number of years of life lost) in a certain population. In order to understand the current local residents’ level of mortality and the causes of death and injury, this paper will provide evidence for the departments concerned to set priorities and strategies for disease prevention and control. This article uses PYLL indicators such as right