半年来,我门诊部在临床实践中对15例妊娠9—14周行人工流产术孕周太小,行中期引产术又孕周太小无法进行需终止妊娠的妇女进行“药物”流产,其中成功率为73.3%失败为26.7%,在失败后即行人工流产术,由于药物作用使患者宫口松驰,大夫在操作中比较容易且患者痛苦也小。1.给药的方法及用法 停经63—100天的健康早孕妇女要求终止妊娠者,空服或进食2小时后口服米非司酮50mg连服3
In the past six months, in our clinical practice, outpatient clinics carried out “pregnancy induced abortion” in 15 cases of pregnancy at 9-14 weeks of gestation, too small for gestational abortion. The success rate was 73.3%, with a failure of 26.7%. After the failure, abortion was performed. Due to the drug effect, the cervix was relaxed and the doctor was in operation more easily and the patient suffered less. 1. The method of administration and usage Menopause 63-100 days of healthy early pregnancy women require termination of pregnancy, taking orally or 2 hours after taking oral mifepristone 50mg even service 3