我的家乡在湖北省建始县的大山里,一个地道的土家族村庄。四五年来一直飘泊在北京,常常怀念老家的风土人情,特别想回家过年。去年冬天回去,对周围发生的一切进行了观察,发现一些原本熟视无睹的现象也值得思考,比如一日三餐食谱的变化,以及对向王老爷祭祀仪式的变化等等。岁时节令,是一个民族文化集萃的时候,平时隐藏起来的、被淡忘的、最有特色的习俗和习惯都在这时候显现出来。所以,民族学专业毕业的我,有意识选取除夕作为观察点,按这一天从早到晚的时间顺序,把除夕划为三段,即早上生火、下午供神、晚上团年。以这三段时间三件事为基点进行民俗学的描述;同时,与 20世纪 80年代自身的经历以及有关土家族年节习俗描述的文字资料进行比较,对变化的原因作了初步的探讨和说明。
My hometown is in Jianshi county, Hubei province, an authentic Tujia village. Four or five years has been floating in Beijing, often miss his hometown customs, in particular, want to go home New Year. Returning last winter, I observed everything that happened around me and found that some of the things I had never seen before were also worth thinking about. For example, changes in the three meals a day, changes in ritual services to Master Wang and so on. Aged at the age of years, is a collection of national culture, usually hidden, was forgotten, the most distinctive customs and habits are revealed at this time. Therefore, I graduated from Ethnology major, consciously selected New Year’s Eve as an observation point, according to the day from morning till evening time sequence, the New Year’s Eve designated as three paragraphs, the morning fire, the afternoon god, the evening group year. At the same time, with the experience of the 1980s and the textual data about the customs of Tujia New Year, we make a preliminary study of the reasons of the changes and Description.