由国家林业局造林司、森防总站和全国 1 3个省(区、市 )从事林业管理、森林病虫害防治工作人员组成的 1 9人培训团 ,于 2 0 0 0年 7月 1 7日至 8月 7日赴意大利、西班牙进行了天然林保护技术管理考察。在意大利期间 ,对埃特纳火山保护区、伊斯拜多雷阿多保护区、威尼托地区林业
A training team of 19 people engaged in forestry management and forest pest and disease control at the Afforestation Division of the State Forestry Administration, the Morrison Prevention Station and 13 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) across the country from July 17 to July 20, 2007 August 7 went to Italy, Spain conducted a natural forest protection technology management inspection. During the Italian invasion of Mount Etna, the Isidore de Leado reserve, the Veneto region