简要地讨论了美国科学引文索引(SCI)作为国际性检索和评价工具的重要作用,概述了中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)与美国 SCI 在中国科研管理和文献检索中各自的作用。详细介绍了 CSCD 的研建过程、现状以及在我国科研绩效评价中的应用。
It briefly discusses the important role of the American Science Citation Index (SCI) as an international search and evaluation tool and outlines the respective roles of the China Science Citation Database (CSCD) and the US SCI in China’s scientific research management and document retrieval. The course of construction of CSCD, its status quo and its application in the scientific performance evaluation of China are introduced in detail.