
来源 :读与写(教育教学刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bendanlxq
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《指南》指出:“发育良好的身体、愉快的情绪、强健的体质、协调的动作、良好的生活习惯和基本生活能力是幼儿身心健康的重要标志,也是其他领域学习与发展的基础。”那么,如何将这些科学的健康教育理念贯彻到实践中去呢?其实,我们一直在做一些实践和尝试。我园“冬之搏——阳光运动节”的特色活动更是为我们提供了一个大平台,让我们敢于开展各类体育活动的实践与探索,切实促进了幼儿身心素质的提高,让每一个幼 The Guide states: “Well-developed bodies, pleasant emotions, strong physique, coordinated actions, good living habits and basic living abilities are important hallmarks of young children’s physical and mental health as well as a basis for learning and development in other fields.” “So, how to put these scientific concepts of health education into practice? In fact, we have been doing some practice and try. Our Park ”winter’s stroke - Sunshine Sports Festival " special activity is to provide us with a big platform, let us dare to carry out all kinds of sports practice and exploration, and effectively promote the improvement of physical and mental health of children, so that each A young