一 近代中国社会变革的重要特征之一,就是国家政权逐步加强对农村直接控制,以期从农村获得抵御外来侵略、稳固自身统治,以及国家现代化的动力和补偿。统治者要求农村提供更多的赋税和兵役,因而极力维护农村中的原有秩序或进行些枝节上的修补;社会改良者们视乡村建设为复兴民族的关键,提出了不少改良主张,并进行了一些实地调查和试验;革命者更是将农民作为“中国革命的主力军”,以为“中国的革命实质上是农民革命”,显然,誰真正地掌握了农民,誰就基本把握了解决中国前途问题的钥匙。
One of the most important characteristics of the social transformation in modern China is that the state power gradually strengthens its direct control over the countryside so as to obtain the impetus and compensation from rural areas to resist foreign aggression and stabilize its own rule and to modernize the country. The rulers demanded that the rural areas should provide more taxation and military service so that they tried their best to defend the original order in the rural areas or repair some of the branches; and the social reformers put forward many proposals for improvement as the key to rejuvenating the nation by rural reconstruction Conducted some field investigations and experiments. The revolutionaries regarded the peasantry as the “main force of the Chinese revolution.” They thought that “the revolution in China is actually a peasant revolution.” Obviously, whoever has really mastered the peasantry will basically grasp the solution The key to China’s future.