Is the 25-year hepatitis C marathon coming to an end to declare victory?

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duanluchao
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Hepatitis C virus(HCV) which was originally recognized as posttransfusion non-A, non-B hepatitis has been amajor global health problem affecting 3% of the world population. Interferon/peginterferon and ribavirin combination therapy was the backbone of chronic HCV therapy for two decades of the journey. However, the interferon based treatment success rate was around 50% with many side effects. Many chronic HCV patients with psychiatric diseases, or even cytopenias, were ineligible for HCV treatment. Now, we no longer need any injectable medicine. New direct-acting antiviral agents against HCV allowed the advance of interferonfree and ribavirin-free oral regimens with high rates of response and tolerability. The cost of the medications should not be a barrier to their access in certain parts of the world. While we are getting closer, we should still focus on preventing the spread of the disease, screening and delivering the cure globally to those in need. In the near future, development of an effective vaccine against HCV would make it possible to eradicate HCV infection worldwide completely. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) which was originally recognized as posttransfusion non-A, non-B hepatitis has been amajor global health problem affecting 3% of the world population. Interferon / peginterferon and ribavirin combination therapy was the backbone of chronic HCV therapy for two decades of the journey. However, the interferon based treatment success rate was around 50% with many side effects. Many chronic HCV patients with psychiatric diseases, or even cytopenias, were ineligible for HCV treatment. Now, we no longer need any injectable medicine. New direct-acting antiviral agents against HCV allowed the advance of interferonfree and ribavirin-free oral regimens with high rates of response and tolerability. The cost of the medications should not be a barrier to their access in certain parts of the world. While we are getting closer, we should still focus on preventing the spread of the disease, screening and delivering the cure globally to those in need. In the near future, development of an effective vaccine against HCV would make it possible to eradicate HCV infection worldwide completely.
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