二○一四年对于加拿大多伦多的民众而言是精彩热闹的一年,地处多伦多市中心的皇家安大略博物馆[图一],以一系列精心安排的庆祝活动,与众多嘉宾朋友及全市市民共飨了她的首个百年华诞。皇家安大略博物馆(Royal Ontario Museum)在业内简称为ROM,是加拿大最大的“大百科全书”式综合博物馆,涵盖文化、艺术、历史及自然史的研究型博物馆,名列北美十大博物馆之一。博物馆虽受安大略省财政资助(目前仅占年度预
2014 is a very lively year for the people of Toronto, Canada. The Royal Ontario Museum is located in the heart of downtown Toronto. With a series of well-planned celebrations,飨 her first hundred years of birthday. Royal Ontario Museum in the industry referred to as ROM, is Canada’s largest “Encyclopedic” comprehensive museum, covering cultural, artistic, historical and natural history of the research museum, the top ten museums in North America one. Although the museum is funded by Ontario (currently only accounting for the year