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我国油气对外依存度连年升高,在积极寻求海外油气资源的同时也很注重进口来源多元化。加拿大油气资源丰富,政治稳定,为了改变美国一家独大的油气出口格局,也在努力实现油气资源出口的多元化,双方合作潜力巨大。中加两国已建立了战略合作伙伴关系,2012年加拿大对华石油出口量达到2.98×104bbl/d,两国油气合作发展迅速,并购交易活跃。但在中加油气合作中也存在一些制约因素,如加拿大油气合作项目大都为油砂和页岩气资源,项目投资大、风险高;加拿大是自由党和保守党两党轮流执政,使得对外油气投资政策具有一定的不确定性;美国会利用地缘政治、地缘经济影响力,对加拿大在油气资源领域的合作进行干涉;同时中国石油企业也存在自身发展不足、对加拿大市场重视不够等问题。为促进中加油气合作的进一步发展,应加强两国政府层面的长效协调沟通机制,构建良好的政府间互动关系,拓展油气合作领域范围,建立中美油气合作互信交流机制;中国石油企业要做好长期规划,准确定位加拿大油气市场,认真评估潜在风险,加强油气合作项目评价,探索“最佳实践指导”。 The reliance on foreign oil and gas in our country has been increasing year after year. While actively seeking overseas oil and gas resources, we also pay great attention to the diversification of import sources. With rich oil and gas resources and political stability, Canada is also striving to diversify its oil and gas exports in order to change the dominant oil and gas export pattern in the United States. The cooperation between the two countries has great potential. China and Canada have established strategic cooperative partnership. In 2012, Canadian oil exports to China reached 2.98 × 104bbl / d. The oil and gas cooperation between the two countries has witnessed rapid development and active M & A transactions. However, there are also some constraints in the gas cooperation between China and Canada. For example, most of the oil and gas cooperation projects in Canada are oil sands and shale gas resources. The investment in the project is large with high risks. Canada is the party in turn taking power by both the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party, Policy has certain uncertainty; the United States will make use of geopolitical and geo-economic influence to interfere with Canada’s cooperation in the field of oil and gas resources; at the same time, Chinese petroleum enterprises also have problems of underdevelopment and inadequate attention to the Canadian market. In order to promote the further development of Sino-Canadian oil and gas cooperation, the two sides should strengthen long-term coordination and communication mechanisms at the governmental level, build a good inter-governmental interaction, expand the scope of oil and gas cooperation and establish a mechanism for mutual trust and mutual trust in oil and gas cooperation between China and the United States. Do a long-term planning, accurate positioning of the Canadian oil and gas market, a careful assessment of potential risks, strengthen cooperation in oil and gas project evaluation, to explore “best practice guidance ”.
策划 本刊编辑部    唐庄,一个在牧野大地上闪着光彩的名字。  唐庄,一个享誉全国、见证社会主义新农村方向的名字。  河南省卫辉市唐庄镇地处豫北,平原、丘陵、山区面积各占三分之一。今天,曾经的穷乡僻壤已经变成了一个富裕、文明的新城镇,被列为全国小城镇建设重点镇和河南省小城镇建设示范镇。2007年全镇工业总产值63984万元,农民人均纯收入达4140元。  唐庄所在的卫辉市是一座文化古城,历史上没
1 森泰的一般特性森泰是均三氮苯类除草剂,主要注册用于森林化学除草。森泰是控制木本植物和草本植物生长的良药,药剂以枝叶接触和根茎吸收发挥及控制作用,使用范围可以扩展
河南新乡市唐庄镇,一个名不见经传的山区小镇,2007年全镇工业总产值63984万元,农民人均纯收入达4140元    这里是一片创业为民的热土  河南新乡市唐庄镇,一个名不见经传的山区小镇,2007年全镇工业总产值63984万元,农民人均纯收入达4140元是什么让这个小镇走上了经济快速增长群众生活宽裕的科学发展之路?     荒山变绿了  唐庄镇地处豫北平原,位于太行山脚下黄河之滨这个拥有“河南省