太太药业一直和用友软件、交大昂立一起被视作山创业板转投国内主板市场的三朵金花。 人们至今难忘,去年6月8日,太太药业(600386)在上海交易所挂牌交易,股价最高达46元,创下了中国证券市场上医药类上市公司的最高价,同时也造就了中国上市公司中的个人首富-太太药业董事长朱保国身价一跃将近54亿元!而其家族控制的财富更是高达80亿之巨,超过名列《福布斯》小闹富豪榜
Wife medicine and UF software has been, together with the National Chiao Tung University was considered as the Mountain Board GEM switch to the domestic motherboard market three Golden Flower. People are still unforgettable. On June 8 last year, Wife (600386) was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange for a share price of up to 46 yuan, setting the highest price for listed pharmaceutical companies on the Chinese stock market. It also created a listing of Chinese listed companies In the personal wealth - wife medicine chairman Zhu Bao Guo worth almost 5.4 billion yuan! The family-controlled wealth is as high as 8 billion giant, more than ranked “Forbes” trifles rich list