根据动(静)叶调节轴流风机静态性能曲线的特点,提出采用曲面拟合和插值两种数学方法建立其rn静态性能模型,并考虑仿真对模型易用性的要求,重点介绍静态模型建立的数学插值法。在插值型静态模rn型的基础上,依据风机的有关定律和原理,建立了轴流风机的动态实时仿真模型。该模型可以对运行中风rn机的流量、全压等参数以及喘振故障发生的条件和现象进行实时仿真。工程实际应用表明:该模型易于使rn用,静态和动态变工况性能与原经验型仿真模型相比,能更好地反映实际风机的特性。“,”According to the static performance curve feature of the axial-flow fan with adjustable vanes, twornmathematical methods, curve fit method and interpolation method, are put forward to set up the static performancernmodel of the fan. The interpolation method is introduced emphatically because of its easiness for simulation use.rnBased on the interpolation-type static model, the realtime dynamic simulation model of the axial-flow fan is setrnup using the relevant laws and principles of funs. The flow rate and total pressure of the fan can be calculated,rnand the surge condition and phenomena can be simulated with this realtime dynamic simulation model. The en-rngineering practice shows that the model is easy to use and can reflect the axial-flow fan′s real static and dynamicrnperformance better than the erstwhile purely experiential model.