据《参考消息》7月12日报道,第二次世界大战期间曾在中国战区建立战功的美国志愿航空队的队员们,经过40余年的不懈抗争,迫使五角大楼承认他们为退伍军人。二战遗留下来的这桩离奇积案终于有个公正的结论。 1941年12月8日,日军偷袭珍珠港。同日,美、英对日宣战,次日,中国亦向日、德、意宣战。为打击日本侵略者的嚣张气焰,鼓舞本国士气,美国制订了空袭日本的计划。1942年4月18日中午,美军中校陈纳德率16架经改装的B52双引擎陆军远程轰炸机,从太平洋日本东部海域“大皇蜂”号航空母舰上起飞,奔袭日本本土,于12时15分左右开始轮番对日本东京、横滨、川崎、横须贺、名古屋、四日市、和歌山、神户和新湡进行轰炸。
According to the “Reference News” reported on July 12, after more than 40 years of tireless protests, the members of the U.S. volunteer aviation team that had established their war positions in the Chinese theater during the Second World War forced the Pentagon to recognize them as veterans. This bizarre plot left over from World War II finally has a fair conclusion. December 8, 1941, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. On the very same day, the United States and Britain declared war on Japan. On the next day, China declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy. In order to combat the arrogance of the Japanese invaders and encourage their own morale, the United States has formulated a plan of air strikes against Japan. At noon April 18, 1942, Lieutenant Colonel Chennault took 16 modified B52 twin-engine long-range bomber aircraft from the aircraft carrier “The Queen of the East” in the Pacific East Japan and took off against Japan. At about 12:15 am, Japan and Japan began to take turns to Tokyo, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Yokosuka, Nagoya, Yokkaichi, Wakayama, Kobe and Shinchi bombing.