OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of combination of three kinds of penetration enhancers, borneol, menthol and azone on the transdermal absorption of lactobacillus in vitro and to determine their optimal combination. Methods: ZTY-type transdermal diffuser was used to measure the transdermal content of chlorogenic acid, which is the main component of the mastitis cool cataplasma, at different times by using orthogonal design of three factors and three levels. Calculate the transdermal absorption rate of each group, the cumulative amount of penetration and so on. Results: There were significant differences in transdermal absorption of chlorogenic acid between the nine experimental groups. The optimal combination of A1B1C2 (borneol: menthol: azone) was 1%: 1%: 3%. CONCLUSION: The combination of borneol, menthol, and azone with 1%, 1% and 3% respectively can significantly promote the transdermal absorption of chlorogenic acid in the lamivudine cataplasm.