研究了对相同和不同民族面孔的认知神经加工是否存在差异.记录了在知觉任务中被正性或负性情感启动的同族和异族面孔所诱发的事件相关电位(event-related potentials,ERPs).研究发现,情感联结启动不会影响异族面孔所诱发的ERPs.但是,对于同族面孔所诱发的ERPs,相对于正性情感启动,负性情感启动使得前额叶负波N100和N2的幅度增大,但使得晚正成分LPP的幅度减小,并且N100的幅值与被试对同族成员的负性态度评价得分相关.这些结果表明,多层次的神经机制参与了对同族面孔个体化的加工.
Investigated whether there is any difference in cognitive neural processing between faces of the same and different nationalities and documented event-related potentials (ERPs) induced by both positive and negative emotions in perceptual tasks The study found that the activation of emotional connection does not affect the ERPs induced by interracial faces.However, for ERPs induced by the same family faces, the onset of negative emotions increases the amplitude of negative prefrontal N100 and N2 relative to positive emotions , But the amplitude of late positive component LPP decreased, and the amplitude of N100 was related to the subjects’ negative attitude evaluation scores of the same group members.These results indicated that the multilevel neural mechanism was involved in the process of individualizing the same group of faces.