
来源 :情报理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pscc33
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基于社会网络理论视角,以1990—2013年“竞争情报”研究领域中的合著网络为对象,采用泊松回归模型考察了合著网络中明星作者的网络位置对科研产出的影响。研究结果表明,明星作者的自我网络规模对学术论文数量和净被引次数均存在显著正向影响;在合著网络中,中介中心性较高的作者发表的学术论文能够得到较高的净被引次数;而且中介中心性对净被引次数的影响比度中心性对净被引次数的影响更大。 Based on the perspective of social network theory, this paper uses the Poisson regression model to study the influence of star author’s network location on the output of scientific research in the co-author network of 1990-2013 Competitive Intelligence. The results show that there is a significant positive influence on the number of scholarly papers and the number of net cites in the self-network size of star authors. In the co-author network, scholarly dissertations published by authors with higher intermediary centers can get a higher net The number of citations; and the influence of intermediary center on the net number of citations is greater than the degree of centrality on the net number of citations.
目的:探讨分娩前1周孕妇膀胱充盈对超声检查的诊断价值。方法:随机抽取我院分娩的正常胎儿252例,其中头位192例,臀位60例。均在分娩前(≤7 d内)孕妇膀胱充盈(A组)和膀胱未充