斗鱼属迷腮科,它历史悠久,很早以前就有人利用雄鱼之间的好斗本性,来消遣玩耍。市场上常见的基本都是展斗,它是经过人工多代改良后的产物,五颜六色,高鳍短鳍针尾什么样的都有,当然也很漂亮。但是和原斗(一种没有被人工改良的原生斗鱼)相比,缺少了那种自然的野性之美。原斗是近几年才被引入国内的,因为出口量少,以至某些品种价格昂贵,所以拥有它的玩家并不多。今天我要说的是比较有代表性的一种原斗——火焰熊猫斗鱼(Betta channoides)。
The betula is a fascinating species, it has a long history, some people use the fighting nature of males long ago to play recreational. The most common market are exhibition dumbfold, it is after many generations of artificial improvement of products, colorful, high-finned fin pin tail what kind of have, of course, very beautiful. But the natural beauty of the wild is lacking in comparison with the original bucketfish, a primitive fighting fish that has not been artificially improved. Pufferfish was introduced into the country only in recent years due to its low export volume and the high price of certain varieties, so there are not many players who own it. Today I want to say is a representative of a primitive fighting - Flamingo panda fish (Betta channoides).