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二百年来奥斯汀小说的接受与传播过程,为如何看待和对待文学经典提供了丰富的启示。奥斯汀的小说经历了自身价值不断被发现与显现、在多重外力作用下从通俗文学走向文学经典的过程;在大众消费文化时代,奥斯汀小说作为源文本不断衍生、被开发,由文学资源成为文化产业链的资本。大众传播形式固然有削弱文学经典严肃性和深度感的一面,但经典本来就是一个不断建构的过程,各种重构和阐释为奥斯汀创作注入活力、延续生命,构建出文学经典与大众文化的良性互动关系。 The acceptance and dissemination of Austen novels in the past two hundred years provide rich enlightenment for how to treat and treat literary classics. Austen’s novel has undergone a process of continuously discovering and revealing its own value from popular literature to literary classics under the influence of multiple external forces. In the age of mass consumption culture, the Austen novel has been continuously derived as a source text and developed from a literary resource to a cultural industry Chain of capital. Though the form of mass media certainly weaken the solemnity and sense of depth of the literary classics, the classics is always a process of continuous construction. Various reconstruction and interpretation bring vitality and life to Austin’s creations and build the virtues of literary classics and mass culture interaction.
摘 要:现各高校大力开展大学生创新创业训练计划,其实旨在转变师生思想观念,改革人才培养模式,增强大学生的创新能力和在创新基础上的创业能力,转变就业观念、培育创业意识、树立创业信心、掌握创业技能、提高创业管理的能力。本文就大学生创新创业训练计划项目的现状与存在的问题做出了分析,并为相应的问题依次给出了解决方案,做出了深层的思考。  关键词:大学生创新创业训练计划项目;项目管理;存在问题与解决方案