
来源 :家庭影院技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwtmw
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<正>I remember years ago, when it was only the most adventurous of Enthusiasts who would delve into treating their listening room. The promise of better sound tempted many to head to the hardware store and buy some Owens Corning 703 then fashion their own panels (many still do). Of course, some used egg cartons and carpeting in
○ 心要平 老人的心态非常平和,“知足常乐”在老人身上体现得淋漓尽致。老人生于贫苦的农民家庭,家中姊妹多,从小就过着吃不饱穿不暖的苦日子,还曾给人当过童养媳。建国后,组成了家庭,分到了田地,建起了新房,结束了东讨西要、流离失所的日子。现在,老人四世同堂,晚辈中有5人考上了大学,3人成为国家干部,1人出国深造。晚辈都很孝顺,日子也都很富裕,从没让老人操过心,政府还每月给老人发“养老金”。每每想到这些