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新结构经济学认为,一国的要素禀赋在任意特定的时刻是给定的,但随着时间推移是可变的。它决定了一国的比较优势和最优产业结构。市场应该成为经济的基础性制度,确保要素相对价格充分反映各自稀缺程度,同时政府也应积极主动发挥作用,为产业升级提供便利。如果能够制定并实施符合自身比较优势的发展战略,每个发展中国家都能实现长期的持续增长。中国经济在未来20年具有保持8%增长的潜力,中国的产业升级将给低收入发展中国家提供前所未有的宝贵机遇。通过新马歇尔计划、为发展中国家的基础设施提供资金支持,将有利于发挥发展中国家的增长潜力,带动发达经济体走出国际金融危机的影响。 The new structural economics holds that the factor endowment of a country is given at any given moment but is variable over time. It determines a country’s comparative advantage and the optimal industrial structure. The market should become a basic economic system, ensuring that the relative prices of factors fully reflect their respective scarcity levels. At the same time, the government should also take the initiative to play a role in facilitating industrial upgrading. If developing strategies that meet their own comparative advantages can be formulated and implemented, each developing country can achieve long-term sustained growth. China’s economy has the potential to maintain an 8% growth over the next 20 years. China’s industrial upgrading will provide unprecedented opportunities for low-income developing countries. The new Marshall Plan, which provides financial support for the infrastructure of developing countries, will help harness the growth potential of developing countries and boost advanced economies from the impact of the global financial crisis.
<正>窝东矿区位于西藏阿里地区改则县北东方向直距约50 km的察布乡境内,于多不杂-波龙(简称多龙)矿集区东侧约60 km。多龙矿集区已达到详查程度的大型、超大型矿床有多不杂、