4月初,中国篮协正式宣布下赛季CBA扩军,参赛队伍增加到14支,并且在2004--2005赛季取消升降级。这一政策出台之后,国内许多俱乐部没有了保级的巨大压力,纷纷酝酿新的应对方案,把着力点放在锻炼年轻队员上,为球队的未来未雨绸缪。 在这种大背景下,一拨曾经叱咤CBA风云的老将选择了告别球员生涯,他们是职业化之后的第一批明星球员,更是各自所在俱乐部的核心球员,对中国篮球的发展产生了举足轻重的影响。他们那一代的国家队被称为中国篮球的黄金一代,他们中间有巩晓彬、刘玉栋、胡卫东、郑武、李晓勇、孙军、单涛、纪敏尚、鞠维松、吴庆龙、吴乃群等等。这代人最辉煌的时刻是在1994年的世锦赛和1996年的亚特兰大奥运会。这两次国际比
In early April, the Chinese Basketball Association officially announced the CBA expansion next season, the team increased to 14, and in the 2004-2005 season to cancel the promotion level. After the promulgation of this policy, many domestic clubs did not have the tremendous pressure on relegation. They all started to work out new coping schemes and put more efforts on training younger players so that they could take precautions for the future of the team. In this context, a bunch of veteran CBA has chosen farewell player career, they are professional after the first star players, but also the core of their respective club players, the development of Chinese basketball played a decisive role Impact. The national team of their generation is known as the golden generation of Chinese basketball. Among them are Gong Xiaobin, Liu Yudong, Hu Weidong, Zheng Wu, Li Xiaoyong, Sun Jun, Dan Tao, Ji Min Shang, Ju Weisong, Wu Qinglong, Wu Naqun and others. The most glorious moment of this generation was the 1994 World Championships and the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games. These two international ratios