加入WTO后 ,航运业将首当其冲 ,如何应对 ,必将直接影响整个航运产业的兴衰与成败。下面就台州航运与WTO谈一些初浅的个人看法。一、台州航运业概况台州水运比较发达 ,河海兼得 ,境内有“三江三河三库”。内河航道总长986 .04公里 ,海岸线总长1693.7公里 ,沿海
After entering the WTO, the shipping industry will bear the brunt, how to deal with, will have a direct impact on the rise and fall of the entire shipping industry and success or failure. Here on the Taizhou Shipping and the WTO to talk about some initial personal views. First, the overview of shipping industry in Taizhou Taizhou water more developed, both rivers and lakes, the territory of “Sanjiang three rivers and three reservoirs.” The total length of the inland waterway is 986.04 kilometers, with a total length of 1693.7 kilometers along the coastline