生产大跃进 质量要保证——琉璃河水泥厂是如何加强质量管理工作的

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1958年琉璃河水泥厂在党的领导下认真贯彻了鼓足干勒、力争上游、多快好省地建教社会主义总路线,取得了生产、思想的双丰收。在生产大跃进中,我们时时都强调了要保证产品质量,党委紧紧抓住了质量,用大搞群众运动的方法,大大提高了质量管理工作的水平。1958年在整风胜利的基础上,我们把质量管理工作全面下放给车间,同时加强了生产技术科的质量监 In 1958, the Liulihe Cement Factory under the leadership of the Party has implemented the general line of building socialism with great efforts and dedication, and strived for the upper reaches of the province. It has achieved a double harvest of production and ideas. In the Great Leap Forward Production, we have always emphasized that we must ensure the quality of our products. The Party Committee has firmly grasped the quality and used the method of vigorously promoting mass movements, greatly improving the quality of quality management. In 1958, based on the triumph of the rectification, we fully decentralized the quality management work to the workshop and strengthened the quality supervision of the production technology department.