1983年11月13日至12月2日,我参加了浙江省园艺学会组织的赴日果树考察组,参观考察了静冈、爱媛,长崎等主要柑桔产区,重点了解他们近期柑桔育种的情况和成果,并收集有关资料,现整理介绍如下,以供参考。 一、种质资源的研究 1.种质的引进及其程序 种质资源的实质是基因资源,这是育种工作的物质基础,很大程度上决定着工作的成败和效果。日本是一个果树种质资源贫乏的国家,但是他们十分重视种质的收集保存和研究利用,他们千方百计通过政府或民间
From November 13 to December 2, 1983, I participated in a study group of fruit trees visited Japan organized by Zhejiang Horticultural Society. I visited major citrus producing areas such as Shizuoka, Ehime and Nagasaki and focused on their recent citrus Orange breeding situation and achievements, and collect the relevant information, are now organized as follows, for reference. First, the germplasm research 1. The introduction of germplasm and its procedures Germplasm resources is the essence of genetic resources, which is the material basis for breeding work, to a large extent determines the success or failure of the work. Japan is a country lacking fruit germplasm resources, but they attach great importance to the collection and conservation of germplasm and research and utilization, and they do everything possible to pass the government or private sector