
来源 :兰台世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaomingjc
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该证书毛笔填写,从右往左竖排。右侧为骑马线并加盖骑缝章。证书上方是两面五星红旗簇拥下的“毕业证书”四个大字,楷书。证书下边是两支笔簇拥着中国共产党党徽,证书两边的装饰图案除了书、本、笔、显微镜等文化用品之外,还在右侧绘制了象征农业的稻穗,左侧绘制了象征工业的机器。证书上贴有二寸免冠照片并加盖钢印。 The certificate writing brush, vertical row from right to left. Riding on the right and stamped on the right seal. Above the certificate is surrounded by five-star red flag “diploma ” four characters, regular script. Underneath the certificate are two pens with the Chinese Communist Party emblem. Decorative patterns on both sides of the certificate, in addition to stationery, pens, pens, microscopes and other stationery, are also painted on the right side of the rice panicle symbolizing agriculture. On the left side are painted industrial symbols machine. The certificate is affixed with a two-inch hat-free photo and stamping.