2005年9月5日,倪润峰离开长虹后留下的“三驾马车”之一,王凤朝也辞去了四川长虹电器股份有限公司董事、副董事长、总经理职务。至此,长虹管理层的“赵勇系”团队基本确立,“倪氏时代”成为历史。倪润峰从1985年41岁开始创业,到2004 年7月把长虹交给41岁的赵勇手中,恰好是用19年的光阴完成了一个轮回。重构管理层,送走“倪氏时代”,赵勇又用了一年多的时间。但长虹自开始民营化以来经历的痛苦, 却同倪润峰有着抹不去的联系,决非重构管理层的难度所可比拟。
September 5, 2005, Ni Runfeng left after leaving Changhong “Troika” one, Wang Fengchao also resigned Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. Director, Vice Chairman, General Manager. At this point, Changhong management team “Zhao Yong Department” basically established, “Ni’s era” has become history. Ni Runfeng started business at the age of 41 in 1985, handed over to Chang in the hands of the 41-year-old Zhao Yong in July 2004, and took exactly 19 years to complete a reincarnation. Reconstruction of management, send away “Ni’s era,” Zhao Yong has spent more than a year’s time. However, the pain Changhong has experienced since it started privatization has been inextricably linked with Ni Runfeng, and is by no means comparable to the difficulty of reconstructing management.