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由于高铁开通所带来的流动便利,区域生产要素在加速流动的同时,也会促使资金、人才、信息向发展环境优越、行政效能高的区域聚集,而投资环境不佳或者相对不够完善的地区会面临人才、企业等流失的窘境。随着京广高铁郑州至武汉段9月28日的开通,高铁沿线城市的房地产业、旅游业、会展业等便开始闻风起舞,大有“高铁一响,财富飙涨”的意思。的确,高铁的开通,可以使物流、人流、信息流、资金流等更加快速地流通,使资源的配置更加高效,而且对于一座城 Due to the convenience of mobility brought about by the opening of high-speed railways, while accelerating the flow of regional production factors, it will also encourage funds, talents and information to gather in areas with superior development environment and high administrative efficiency while areas with poor investment environment or relatively imperfect investment environment Will face the dilemma of talent, business and other loss. With the Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed rail Zhengzhou to Wuhan section opened on September 28, high-speed rail along the city’s real estate, tourism, convention and exhibition industry began to smell the wind and waves, “a high-speed rail, wealth soared,” meaning . Indeed, the opening of high-speed rail will enable more rapid circulation of logistics, pedestrian flow, information flow and capital flow so as to make the allocation of resources more efficient and more efficient for a city
Aim: To study the characteristic pattern of the age-related growth of the human prostate gland. Methods: The volume (weight) of the prostate in 1,601 males, ag
目的 :探讨保肾手术治疗脓肾的方法。方法 :对 31例脓肾中的 19例行一期手术 ,12例术前行经皮肾造瘘引流 ,然后行二期手术。 31例术中在解除梗阻后留置输尿管内支架管 ,5例同
Objective To study the abnormal reactions of a series of free radicals and the oxidative damages induced by free radical abnormal reactions in the bodies of pa
目的 :探讨经尿道前列腺电汽化切割术 (TUVP)治疗前列腺增生症 (BPH)的临床效果及其并发症。方法 :回顾性分析 5 2例BPH、TUVP的临床资料。结果 :5 2例 ,出院时IPSS、QOL和Qm
泰国Indorama风险投资公司于2015年12月23日宣布,该公司已完成此前宣布的对聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)制造商——印度Micro Pet公司的收购。In-dorama公司称,收购包括Micro P