氢化物—原子荧光法测定地球化学样品中的砷和锑,已广泛用于生产中。在测定前需要把砷和锑预还原至三价。目前生产中的预还原多是在用王水(1+1)溶矿后,先用稀盐酸或水进行稀释,再分取部分试液加入固体硫脲,抗坏血酸或用二者的混合溶液进行预还原。其手续繁琐。 我们在生产中结合实际情况,采用了直接预还原的方法。具体操作是,称取试样0.1250克于25毫升比色管内,加入8毫升王水(1+1),按常法溶
Hydride-atomic fluorescence spectrometry for the determination of arsenic and antimony in geochemical samples has been used extensively in production. Arsenic and antimony should be pre-reduced to trivalent before assaying. At present, most pre-reduction in production is to dilute with dilute hydrochloric acid or water after the aqua regia with aqua regia (1 + 1), and then part of the test solution is added to the solid thiourea, ascorbic acid or a mixed solution of the two Pre-restored. The procedure is cumbersome. We combine the actual situation in production, using a direct pre-reduction method. The specific operation is, weighed sample 0.1250 grams in 25 ml colorimetric tube, add 8 ml of aqua regia (1 +1), according to the usual method of dissolving