四、共建活动成为维护社会稳定与发展的一个重要保证。几年来,保定军民共建,始终把稳定看得高于一切。一方面,把共建的视点投向社会的热点、难点部位,加大了维护社会治安的力度。以加强基层政权建设为龙头,以军警民联防共治为主要形式,军地合力进行综合治理。另一方面,大力加强社会主义民主法制建设。保定军民共建社会主义精神文明活动,历经15年而长盛不衰,经受住了各种考验,其内在原因至少可以从以下三个方面得到充分的印证: 一、军民共
Fourth, jointly building activities has become an important guarantee for maintaining social stability and development. Over the past few years, Baoding army and civilian construction has always seen stability above all else. On the one hand, putting the viewpoint of building a commonplace into the hot and difficult parts of society has increased the efforts to maintain public order in the society. To strengthen the building of grassroots power as a leader, with the police, civilians and communists as the main form of co-governance, the joint efforts of the military to carry out comprehensive management. On the other hand, we must vigorously step up the building of a socialist democracy and legal system. Baoding army and civilians to build socialism and spiritual civilization activities, after 15 years and enduring, stood the test of all kinds, its internal causes can at least be obtained from the following three aspects fully substantiated: