有许多杂志都报道过船员在海上航行时莫名其妙的遇难,尤其是关于百慕大三角之谜,种种假设增添了神奇的色彩。现在认为,次声——频率为20—20000赫兹的低于人听觉频率的声音,是害人的凶手。次声的发现 50多年前,国外一艘考察船在大洋上进行科学研究,一名气象工作者在施放探洲气象的高空气球时,无意中将脸贴近了气球,耳朵里顿觉激烈的刺痛,不由得惊叫起来。说来也巧,当夜又遇上了强烈的风暴,他如实地把情况载入航海日志。事后,其它海洋气象工作者也碰到上述现象。研究证明,掀起万顷波涛的风暴产生于次声,而次声引起了耳痛。
Many magazines have reported inexplicable deaths of crew members while sailing in the sea, especially with regard to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. Various assumptions add magical color. It is now believed that infrasound - sounds below the human hearing frequency of 20-20000 Hz are the murderers. The discovery of infrasound More than 50 years ago, a research vessel abroad conducted scientific research on the ocean. When a meteorological worker accidentally put his face close to the balloon when he cast the high-altitude balloon of the exploration continent, he felt an intense thorn in his ear Pain, could not help but exclaimed. To sum up, coincidentally, there was a strong storm that night, and he honestly put the situation in the logbook. Afterwards, other marine meteorologists also encountered the above phenomenon. Research has shown that a storm of thousands of hectares of waves is caused by infrasound, while the infrasound causes an earache.