水稻细菌性条斑病Xanthomonas oryzicola Fang et al.简称水稻细条病,近年来病情有逐渐扩展的趋势。1982年,我们采用定点定时观察和田间调查相结合的方法,对此病的发生流行规律作了初步研究。两个系统观察点分别建在广西北流县的附城公社甘村大队甘南生产队和隆盛公社长信大队竹山生产队,在历年早发病田或重病田中选定当地当家品种1~3个,进行系统观察。秧苗病情调查,在拔秧前5~7天进
Rice bacterial leaf streak Xanthomonas oryzicola Fang et al. Short for rice stripe disease, the disease has gradually expanded in recent years. In 1982, we used the method of fixed-point timed observation and field investigation to make a preliminary study on the prevalence of this disease. Two system observation points were built in Ganli Production Team of Gancun Brigade of Fucheng Commune in Beiliu County, Guangxi Province and Chushan Production Team of Longsheng Brigade Commander of Longsheng Commune respectively. In the calendar year, Systematic observation. Seedling disease investigation, 5 to 7 days before pulling rice into