
来源 :中国水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwm1976
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江苏省苏州市吴江区地处太湖下游,属于平原河网地区,水土流失现象比较严重。通过阐述该区水土流失的现状及其成因,分析水土流失造成的主要危害,进而有针对性地提出了治理的目标、基本措施和具体手段。采取工程措施、生物措施和农业耕作措施,建设与管理并重,为减少江河湖库泥沙、根治水旱灾害服务。 Wujiang District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province is located in the lower reaches of Taihu Lake, belonging to the plain river network, soil erosion is more serious. By elaborating the current situation and causes of soil and water loss in this area, the author analyzes the main hazards caused by soil and water loss, and then puts forward the goals, basic measures and concrete measures of governance in a targeted manner. To take engineering measures, biological measures and agricultural cultivation measures, both construction and management, in order to reduce the sediment of rivers and lakes, floods and drought services.
准分子激光在角膜方面的应用主要涉及屈光矫正(矫正近视、远视、散光,并能补偿老视)。这类屈光性手术在表层切削中的术式包括屈光性角膜切除术(photorefractive keratectomy,PRK)、