自饮水机出现在我家的第一天,父母就告诉我:“不能让它在没水的情况下空烧!这样会将机子烧坏。”记得有一次,我在水桶没水的情况下忘了拔下电源被父母狠狠训了一顿。在学校里,我询问了好几位同学,发现许多家长都是这样说的,而且在学校里班主任也这样提醒我们。每次遇到这种情况,我总是慌慌张张,生怕一不留神会闯下大祸,有一次急急忙忙去关电源而扭伤脚。对此,我一直存有疑问:为什么不能空烧呢?里面真的没水吗? 为了弄清楚这些问题,我首先切断饮水机的电源,将水桶取下,打
Since the drinking fountains appeared on the first day of my family, my parents told me: “Can’t let it be burned without water! This will burn the machine.” I remember once, I forgot about the bucket without water. Pulled off the power to be trained by their parents. At the school, I asked several classmates and found that many parents said this, and the head teacher reminded us in school. Every time I encounter such a situation, I always panic, for fear that one will not take care of the next big disaster, once a hurry to turn off the power and sprained his feet. Regarding this, I always have doubts: Why can’t I burn it? Is there really no water in it? To figure out these problems, I first cut off the power of the water dispenser, remove the bucket and beat it.