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目的了解喜德县结核病的流行状况及肺结核相关知识知晓情况,为国家制订下一个十年规划提供资料。方法采取分层整群等比例随机抽样方法,对15岁及以上常住人口进行结核病防治核心知识知晓率调查、症状调查并拍摄胸片,所有肺结核可疑症状者或胸部X影像呈肺结核病变或疑似结核病变者,或已知活动性肺结核进行痰涂片检查。结果抽样人口2630人,应检人口数1250人,实检1243人,其中实检全部进行症状问卷调查肺结核相关症状的47人,占3.78%。拍胸部X片1236人,未见异常1147人,占92.81%,异常疑似肺结核60人,占4.85%,异常肺结核病变29人占2.35%。在异常疑似结核病变中有空洞或者疑似空洞33人,占55.00%。活动性肺结核患病率为2493.52/10万(31/1243),涂阳肺结核患病率为724.05/10万(9/1243),菌阳患病率为965.41/10万(12/1243)。肺结核相关知识全部知晓的只有43人(3.45%),结核病主要症状知晓率为89.46%(1112/1243)。结论本次调查表明喜德县肺结核疫情较重,防治形势严峻,部分肺结核相关知识知晓率较低,需要进一步加强健康教育。 Objective To understand the prevalence of tuberculosis and the knowledge about tuberculosis in the city of Xide, and to provide information for the government to formulate the next 10-year plan. Methods A stratified cluster analysis was conducted on equal proportion of random samples to investigate the knowledge of core knowledge of tuberculosis prevention and control among the 15-year-old and above population. All patients with suspected symptoms of tuberculosis or chest X-ray showed pulmonary tuberculosis or suspected tuberculosis Change, or known activity of tuberculosis sputum smear. Results The sample population was 2630, with a population of 1250 and a total of 1243 persons. Among them, 47 were diagnosed with symptoms of tuberculosis, accounting for 3.78% of the total. X-ray filming of 1236 people, no abnormal 1147, accounting for 92.81%, abnormal suspected pulmonary tuberculosis 60, accounting for 4.85%, 29 cases of abnormal pulmonary tuberculosis accounted for 2.35%. In the abnormal suspected tuberculosis in the hole or suspected empty 33 people, accounting for 55.00%. The prevalence of active tuberculosis was 2493.52 / 100000 (31/1243). The prevalence of smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis was 724.05 / 100000 (9/1243), and the prevalence of bacilli was 965.41 / 100000 (12/1243). Only 43 people (3.45%) knew all about tuberculosis and 89.46% (1112/1243) knew the main symptoms of tuberculosis. Conclusion This survey shows that the epidemic situation of tuberculosis in Hede county is heavy, the situation of prevention and cure is severe, and the awareness rate of some TB knowledge is relatively low. Health education needs to be further strengthened.
目的从茯苓Poria cocos中克隆出细胞色素P450还原酶(CPR)基因,并对其进行生物信息学分析。方法利用茯苓转录组注释信息,通过RACE扩增得到茯苓CPR基因(Pc CPR)全长,并PCR得到
[摘要]本文考察了中国共产党学习型组织建设的经验,提出要用科学发展观指导党的学习型组织建设。  [关键词]科学发展观;学习型;组织建设;实践  [中图分类号]D261[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1007-1962(2009)09-0033-02    改革开放后,我们党不仅正在深入地从革命党向建设党转变,还要在科学发展观指导下完成向学习型政党的转变。在如何应对国际金融危机冲击,保持经济平稳较快发展