创新农村党建 助推科学发展

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农村基层党组织作为我党实现农村工作的基础,是带领农村地区广大农民群众建成小康社会的中坚力量,同时也是我国党的基本理论和相关政策的执行者和实施者,其工作质量的好坏,对准确把握农村地区党建工作的指导思想、工作方向有着十分重要的促进作用。因此,创新农村党建工作,是推动农村地区科学发展的重要动力源泉,需要我们根据新时期新农村建设过程中对农村党建工作提出的全新要求,不断增强基层党组织党建工作的凝集力和创造力,推动农村社会全面进步和发展。但是现阶段,农村党建工作还存在一定的不足,需要我们及时的找到解决对策将其解决。本文首先就创新农村党建工作的必要性进行了分析,然后提出了农村党建工作创新存在的不足,最终论述了创新农村党建工作的途径,希望通过本次研究对更好的加强农村党建工作质量的提升有一定的帮助。 As the basis for our party’s rural work, the rural grass-roots party organizations are the backbone for the broad peasant masses in rural areas to build a moderately prosperous society. They are also the performers and implementers of the basic theory and related policies of our party. Their quality of work is good or bad It plays a very important role in promoting the guiding ideology and work direction of party building in rural areas. Therefore, to innovate the work of party building in rural areas is an important source of power for promoting scientific development in rural areas. We need to constantly increase the cohesiveness and creativity of the party building in the party building in the party building in accordance with the new requirements for party building in rural areas during the new period of building new countryside , To promote all-round rural social progress and development. However, at this stage, there still exist some deficiencies in the work of party building in rural areas, and we need timely solutions to solve them. This article first analyzes the necessity of innovation party building in rural areas, and then proposes the existing problems of party building in rural areas. Finally, it discusses the ways to innovate party building in rural areas. I hope that through this study, we can better strengthen the quality of party building in rural areas Ascension has some help.
<正> 文学界和自然界一样,若将某些邈若胡越的事物联系起来观察,就会疑团冰释。高鹗是《红楼梦》后四十回(以下简称“四十回”)的作者,但他在序中却“不欲明言已出”。(见鲁
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