问:我与丈夫结婚十年了,但我们感情一直不好。我想提出离婚,但我自已没有经济来源怕离婚后生活无着落。请问,我该怎么办? 答:针对离婚时一方生活困难该如何解决的问题,我国《婚姻法》第42条规定得十分清楚:“离婚时,如一方生活困难,另一方应从其住房等个人财产中给予适当帮助。”如果你离婚时生活确实很困难,你可以要求对方提供帮助,具体办法由你们双方协商,协商不成时由人民法
Q: I married her husband for ten years, but our feelings have not been good. I would like to propose a divorce, but I have no financial source for myself to live without any loss after divorce. A: In view of the problem of how to solve the difficult life of one party at the time of divorce, Article 42 of the Marriage Law of our country stipulates that: “When a divorceer has a difficult life, the other party shall, from the individual Property. ”If your life at divorce is really difficult, you can ask for help from the other side. The specific measures are negotiated by both of you. If the negotiation fails, the people's law