我们还是当朋友好了。(其实我们不可能成情人。)我想我真的不适合你。(我根本就不喜欢你。)天气好冷喔 ,手都快结冰了。(快牵我的手吧 ,大木头 !)我觉得我需要更多一点的空间。(我不太想看到你啦 !)你人真的很好。(我真的不想跟你在一起。)你人真的真的很好……真的?
We are still good friends. (In fact, we can not be lovers.) I think I really do not fit you. (I do not like you at all.) The weather is so cold that my hands are freezing. (Hold my hand fast, big wood!) I think I need a little more space. (I do not want to see you!) You are really good. (I really do not want to be with you.) You guys are really good ... Really?