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探讨不同种源王速生桉树幼苗对氮素的响应差异,为氮素高效利用的种源筛选标准提供依据。2009年在广西农科院试验大棚,采用水培方法研究施氮与不施氮2种水平下5个不同种源速生桉树幼苗对氮的吸收利用效应。结果表明:标准施氮下,不同种源速生桉氮吸收量、吸收效率、氮素效率和氮响应度均存在显著差异,均可作为标准施氮下速生桉种源氮素效率类型的划分依据,其中,氮素吸收总量和吸收效率是决定氮素效率差异的主要影响因子;氮素效率类型划分尾赤桉为高氮高效型,广林4号和尾巨桉为高氮中效型,广林12号和广林9号为高氮低效型,高氮高效型和高氮低效型的种源均可为下一步的低氮高效型和双高型的速生桉选育种工作提供基础。速生桉植株干重、枝叶干重、根干重、氮吸收量、吸收效率、氮响应度和氮素效率均可作为氮高效种源的筛选指标,枝叶干重作为筛选指标有利于筛选工作的快速开展,为拓宽筛选方法类型提供科学依据。 To investigate the response of eucalyptus seedlings of different provenances to nitrogen in response to nitrogen, and to provide the basis for the selection criteria of provenances for efficient use of nitrogen. In 2009, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences test greenhouse, the use of hydroponics method to study nitrogen and non-nitrogen fertilizer levels of five different provenances fast-growing eucalyptus seedlings nitrogen absorption and utilization effects. The results showed that there were significant differences in nitrogen uptake, absorption efficiency, nitrogen efficiency and nitrogen responsiveness of Eucalyptus urophylla under standard nitrogen fertilization, which could be used as the basis for the classification of nitrogen efficiency of Eucalyptus urophylla under standard nitrogen application , Of which the total nitrogen uptake and absorption efficiency are the main factors that determine the differences in nitrogen efficiency; the nitrogen efficiency type is divided into high nitrogen and high efficiency type Eucalyptus urophylla, and the high nitrogen medium efficiency type , Guanglin 12 and Guanglin 9 were high N inefficient, high N high efficient and high N inefficient provenances, which could be the next low N efficient and double high Eucalyptus fasting breeding Work to provide the foundation. Dry weight of Eucalyptus urophylla, leaf dry weight, root dry weight, nitrogen uptake, absorption efficiency, nitrogen responsiveness and nitrogen efficiency could be used as screening indexes for high-efficiency provenances of nitrogen source. Dry leaf weight as a screening index was favorable for screening Rapid development, in order to broaden the type of screening methods to provide a scientific basis.
为了有效监测犬免疫狂犬病疫苗后的保护效力,以狂犬病毒(Rabies virus,RV)糖蛋白的主要优势抗原表位区G3蛋白(RV G3)作为包被抗原,建立了一种检测狂犬病毒中和抗体效价的间接
微RNAs(miRNAs)是一类在转录后水平调控基因表达的小的内源性非编码RNA分子,约长17~27 nt,在细胞与组织中特异表达.miRNAs在各种不同的生物学进程中都发挥关键作用,通过靶向结