依据发展心理学观点,儿童与成人的关系要经历三个主要发展阶段:第一,亲近成人的依附时期;第二,摆脱成人束缚的反抗时期;第三,获得独立地位结束反抗的自立时期。青少年学生处于第二个发展期,即通常说的“心理断乳期”,他们与成人之间往往发生较多的心理冲突与人际障碍,特别是在现代社会中,这种现象尤为突出。因此广大教师与家长迫切需要有关减少与青少年学生心理冲突的理论咨询。 我们知道,任何一种人际关系都是由认知、情感及行为三种心理成分构成的。在这三种因素中,情感因素起着主导作用,它制约着人与人之间心理距离的亲疏程度,是人际关系亲密性、深刻性及持久性的主要调节器,良好的人际关系以人际吸引为主要标志,
According to the perspective of developmental psychology, the relationship between children and adults goes through three major stages of development: first, the period of attachment to adults; second, the period of resistance out of the shackles of adults; and third, the period of independence that ends the rebellion of independence. Young students are in the second stage of development, the so-called “mental weaning period”, and they often have more psychological conflicts and interpersonal obstacles than adults, especially in modern society. Therefore, the majority of teachers and parents urgently need theoretical advice on reducing psychological conflicts with young students. We know that any kind of interpersonal relationship is composed of cognitive, emotional and behavioral three psychological components. Among the three factors, emotional factors play a leading role, which restricts the degree of intimacy between the psychological distance between people, is the main regulator of the intimacy, profoundness and persistence of interpersonal relationships, good interpersonal relationships based on interpersonal Attracted as the main symbol,