拆废钢船一向是费力费时的作业。最近日本三井重工业公司提出了一个废钢船拆船浮坞方案(图1),配套的还有一套拆船作业驳。 拆船浮坞在平面上大致呈方形,坞体浮箱更短于坞墙。坞墙一端设有对废钢船的机械化过撑。整个系统作业示如图2。 废钢船进坞前,舱内和甲板上的各项设备,包括桅杆、烟囱在内,都预先拆尽。在
Tipping scrap boats have always been laborious and time-consuming work. Recently, Mitsui Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. of Japan proposed a plan for scrapping and dismantling ships of scrap steel boats (Figure 1). There is also a set of rewinding operations. Ship demolition dock in the plane is generally square, dock pontoon shorter than the dock wall. One end of the dock wall is equipped with mechanized support for scrap ships. The entire system operation shown in Figure 2. All scrap equipment, including masts and chimneys, pre-dismantled before docking, in the tanks and on deck. in