五月。上海淀山湖大观园好不热闹,深夜了,还灯火辉煌,数百名太监、宫女手持黄色宫灯屏声息气地伫立在湖边静候贵妃娘娘驾到。原来,是北影《红楼梦》摄制组正在赶拍大型影片《红楼梦》中的『元妃省亲』。 在湖畔的一个平台上,我们见到了导演谢铁骊,他正忙乎着迎候『元妃』的到来。在谢导的一边站着总监制汪洋似乎还『闲』着点,我们便同他谈了起来。 电视剧《红楼梦》在全国播放以后,反应很不错,我们便直截地问他:『这时你们电影的拍摄是否带来压力?』汪总监点着头坦率地说:『电视剧的先入为主自然会对我们产生一定的压力,但我认为电影和电视不同,我们电影《红楼梦》同电视剧《红楼梦》的路子是不一样的。电视剧以介绍情节为主,而我们的影片则要把这群人物推到银幕上,突出人物的性格特征。影片在内容的取舍上也比电视剧多一点,我们要在十
May. Shanghai Danshan Lake Grand View Park is not busy, late at night, but also the lights brilliant, hundreds of eunuchs, palace ladies holding the yellow palace lantern screen silently standing on the lake waiting for your concubine to drive. Turns out, is the North Film “Dream of Red Mansions” crew is chasing large film “Dream of Red Mansions” in the “Princess Fei pro.” On a platform by the lake, we met Director Xie Tieli, who was busy waiting for the arrival of “Princess”. On the side of Xie guide, Wang Yang, standing in charge of the chief supervisor, seems to be still free, and we talk to him. After the drama “A Dream of Red Mansions” was broadcast all over the country, the response was very good. We asked him straight away: “At this moment, did your filming bring pressure?” Director Wang nodded bluntly: “Preconceptions of the drama will naturally give us However, I think there is a difference between film and television. Our film ”Dream of Red Mansions“ is not the same as that of the drama ”Dream of Red Mansions". The drama is mainly based on the plot, and our film will push these people onto the screen, highlighting the personality traits. Film in the content of the choice of more than a little more than the drama, we have to ten