【摘 要】
According to the distribution of spores, pollen and algae in the surface sediments, Okinawa Trough may be divided into three palynological regions: 1) Pinus-Qu
【出 处】
Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology
According to the distribution of spores, pollen and algae in the surface sediments, Okinawa Trough may be divided into three palynological regions: 1) Pinus-Quercus-Pteridium palynological region lying between the two slopes of Okinawa Trough, 2) Pintts-Castanopsis-Quercus palynological region lying north of the trough and 3) Pinus-Quercus-Polypodiaceae palynological region lying south of the trough. Comparing the sporo-pollen assemblages of the column sections with each other, five sporo-pollen zones have been distinguished and their ages determined. Four problems about the palynology of the trough sediments have been discussed.
According to the distribution of spores, pollen and algae in the surface sediments, Okinawa Trough may be divided into three palynological regions: 1) Pinus-Quercus-Pteridium palynological region lying between the two slopes of Okinawa Trough, 2) Pintts-Castanopsis-Quercus palynological region lying north of the trough and 3) Pinus-Quercus-Polypodiaceae palynological region lying south of the trough. Comparing the sporo-pollen assemblages of the column sections with each other, five sporo-pollen zones have been distinguished and their pages determined. Four problems about the palynology of the trough sediments have been discussed.
【摘要】通过对小学英语教学实际情况的调查发现:小学高年级学生的英语学习兴趣减退、教师对学生的英语学习激励不足、互动情感缺乏等问题。依据积极心理学的理论,对这些问题进行分析研究,提出了提高小学英语教学有效性的策略。 【关键词】积极心理学 英语教学 应用 策略 一、前言 在教育部颁布的《基础教育课程改革纲要》中指出:“改变课程过于注重知识传授的倾向,强调形成积极主动的学习态度,使获得基础知识与基
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【摘要】语音教学是小学英语教学的重要组成部分,能够有效提高学生的英语综合实践能力。我国新课程标准也指出教师应该以学生为本,培养学生的综合实践能力。因而为了学生的全面发展,小学英语教师应该重视语音教学。本文从四个方面分析了如何提高小学英语语音教学效率,以提高教师的教学效率。 【关键词】小学英语 语音教学 思考 语音教学是小学英语教学的基础,同时也是提高学生交际能力的关键。只有当学生掌握了正确的