【摘 要】
对三种重壤土上鱼腥草Houttuynia cordata干物质积累特性研究结果表明,全株干物质积累变化曲线不尽相同。在试验期内,粘粉质和粉砂质重壤上鱼腥草干物质积累曲线均表现为S型,
【机 构】
四川农业大学,四川农业大学,四川农业大学,雅安三九药业有限公司,雅安三九药业有限公司 雅安 625014,雅安 625014,雅安 625014,雅安 625000,雅安 625000
对三种重壤土上鱼腥草Houttuynia cordata干物质积累特性研究结果表明,全株干物质积累变化曲线不尽相同。在试验期内,粘粉质和粉砂质重壤上鱼腥草干物质积累曲线均表现为S型,而砂粉质重壤上鱼腥草干物质积累,至收获时仍处在直线增长期。据此认为,砂粉质重壤土种植鱼腥草时可适当推迟采收期。试验结果同时表明,重壤土上种植鱼腥草宜选质地偏砂者。建议在质地偏砂重壤土上栽种鱼腥草时增施有机肥作底肥,并适当追施氮肥。文中还对鱼腥草不同器官干物质积累进行了探讨。
The results of dry matter accumulation of Houttuynia cordata on three kinds of heavy loam soil showed that the whole plant dry matter accumulation curves were different. During the experimental period, the dry matter accumulation curve of Houttuynia cordata on both silty and silty heavy soils showed S type, whereas the dry matter accumulation of Houttuynia cordata on sandy silty heavy soil was still growing linearly period. Accordingly, the sandy loamy soil planted Houttuynia can be delayed when appropriate harvesting period. The test results also show that heavy loam soil planted Houttuynia should choose texture of those who live in the sand. Proposed in the texture of sandy loam soil planted Houttuynia increased organic fertilizer as base fertilizer, and the appropriate topdressing nitrogen. The article also Houttuynia different organs dry matter accumulation were discussed.
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