新近的抒情诗我们讨论概念派、诗歌剧院、数字技术及新式类型,读者可能要问,更为传统的诗歌形式又将怎样,比如抒情诗。不少文章指出,抒情诗还远没有死亡,不过是发生了剧烈的嬗变,在更为灵活的身份印证方面,不断修改其原有的类型特点。斯蒂芬·波特(Stephen Burt)对过去十年他所谓的“新事物”进行了研究,他发现的抒情诗不仅与隐秘的自我相关,而且还可能从他人使用的言语中借来“腔调”。新式抒情诗的特点是,“严谨、简洁的描述、谦虚、低调的文字以及对物质的和社会的世界的那份执著,
Recent Lyrics We discuss conceptual schools, theater of poetry, digital techniques, and new genres. Readers may want to ask how the more traditional forms of poetry are, such as lyric poetry. Many articles pointed out that lyric poetry is far from dead, but dramatic changes have taken place. In the more flexible proof of identity, we constantly revise the original type features. Stephen Burt, who has studied what he calls ”new things“ over the past decade, has found that lyrics are borrowed not only from the hidden self but also from other people’s words. ”“ accent”. The new lyrics are characterized by "rigorous, concise descriptions, humble, low-key words and dedication to the physical and social world,