昆明地区的昆明朴树Celtis kunmingensis Cheng et Hong是理想的庭园观赏树木,且为造纸和人造棉的原料。近年遭受花斑切叶象Paroplapoderus parodalis Snellen von Vollenhoven的为害,严重时将昆明朴幼树的营养叶全部卷成筒巢,影响树的生长和观赏价值。花斑切叶象在文献上记载是以壳斗科多种树木为寄主植物。为害榆科植物尚属首次记载。花斑切叶象生长发育各个时期都在筒巢中,仅成虫外出活动。一年一代,成虫有越夏习性。一种茧蜂Bracon sp.寄生于其幼虫及蛹,寄生率可达60%。在防治上应加以保护利用。
Celtis kunmingensis Cheng et Hong is an ideal ornamental garden tree in Kunming and a raw material for papermaking and synthetic cotton. In recent years, the mosaic cuttings like Paroplapoderus parodalis Snellen von Vollenhoven damage, serious Kunming Park sapling nutrition leaves all rolled into nests, affecting the growth and ornamental value of the tree. Pieces of leaf cut in the literature as documented in the Fagaceae many trees as the host plant. It is the first time for Ulcer plants to be recorded. Fleck-like growth and development at all stages of the nest in the nest, only adult out activities. One generation, the more summer habits of adults. Bracon sp., A parasitic wasp parasitized in its larvae and pupae, has a parasitic rate of up to 60%. In the prevention and control should be protected and utilized.