全省公共娱乐场所专项整治活动向纵深发展 夏林副厅长举其要端谈整治

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省文化厅副厅长夏林同志参加省政府组织的安全工作普查组到基层检查安全工作时,针对检查中发现的问题,向李克强省长作了报告,并提出了当前安全大检查工作中值得注意的几个问题,李克强省长阅后非常重视,批转李志斌副省长阅处。李志斌副省长批示:“夏林同志提出的几个问题带有普遍性,需引起重视,可摘发各地。涉及安全方面的具体问题,应告知有关地方抓紧整改,消除隐患。” Comrade Xia Lin, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Culture participated in the safety work census organized by the provincial government to inspect grassroots work safety and made a report to Governor Li Keqiang on the problems discovered during the inspection. He also proposed that the current safety inspection work worth Several issues to pay attention to, Governor Li Keqiang attaches great importance after reading Vice Governor Li Zhibin reading. Vice Governor Li Zhibin instructed: “Several issues put forward by Comrade Xia Lin are universal in nature and need to be emphasized and can be taken anywhere in the world.” Concerning the specific problems of safety, relevant local authorities should be informed of the rectification and rectification work so as to eliminate hidden dangers. "