下篇6 然而,同盟会的革命党人 并没有因为一次次武装起义失败而气馁,他们总结经验,审时度势,寻找更有利的时机。1911年5月,清王朝为了取得帝国主义的支持,大量出卖矿山、铁路主权,向英、法、德、美四国银行签订借款合同,以宣布“铁路干线国有”为名,将铁路建筑?
However, the members of the Revolutionary Party in the League were not discouraged by the failure of the armed uprising once and for all. They summed up their experience, reviewed the situation and sought more favorable opportunities. In May 1911, in order to gain the support of imperialism, the Qing Dynasty sold a large number of mines and railway sovereignty and signed loan contracts with banks in Britain, France, Germany and the United States to announce the construction of railways in the name of “State-owned Railway Corridors”.