根据氧碘化学激光器的反应机理建立了一维预混脉冲出光理论模型,从理论上研究了气体总压力在660—2660 Pa,温度在150—400 K区间内对单脉冲能量、脉宽和峰值功率的影响.分析了气体总压和温度对出光特性影响的内在原因.计算结果表明:增益介质温度对单脉冲能量的影响要远大于对激光脉宽的影响;增益介质温度在150 K,气体总压在1330 Pa可以获得比温度在400 K,气体总压为2660 Pa时更高的峰值功率.因此在不干扰超音速流动状态条件下瞬间大量产生碘原子,可以实现高效的脉冲氧碘化学激光器.
According to the reaction mechanism of oxygen-iodine chemical laser, a theoretical model of one-dimensional premixed pulsed light output was established. The theoretical results of single-pulse energy, pulse width and peak at 660-2660Pa and 150-400 K were studied theoretically. The influence of the total pressure and temperature of the gas on the light output characteristics is analyzed.The calculation results show that the influence of the gain medium temperature on the pulse energy is far greater than that of the pulse width.The gain medium temperature is at 150 K, The total pressure at 1330 Pa gives higher peak powers than at 400 K and a total gas pressure of 2660 Pa. Therefore, efficient generation of pulsed oxygen iodine chemistry can be achieved by generating large amounts of iodine atoms instantaneously without disturbing supersonic flow conditions Laser.